Sunday, June 3, 2012

St. Anne at 4 o'clock

And how I've seen it... You get the clue, right?
Anyway, there's a little story for those who don't. We planned a trip to St. Anne hill above Ljubljansko barje. Apparently it's a popular location for landscape photography due to its view of the Barje beneath. We planned to get there at around four o'clock (before the sunset, to be more precise), which meant we had to get up somewhere around three. You can already see where this is going, right ?(even those who needed a bit longer to figure out Santa Claus were actually mom and dad) At two I said to myself, let's have some sleep, then I woke up five past three, figured out no one was probably awaken yet and I said something to myself again - this time it was:"damn, let's have another 10 minutes of sleep." When I woke up 10 minutes later it was... 4.20. And, that's about it, happens to the best of us.

At least I haven't missed the morning train which took me to this year's FotoAntika.

Slovene translation:
Zaspal sem, kajpada. Potem pa takole izgleda Sveta Ana na Barju ob štirih zjutraj.

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