Na prvi pogled malček zavajujoč naslov, ne? Gradbišče, potem pa ena navadna fotka mačke... No, ampak ne gre za to, da so mačke fajn in nasploh super motiv, ki je vsem všeč in posledično so vsem všeč tudi fotografije in ne nazadnje fotograf (ok, dost sarkazma), ampak enostavno zato, da sem tole mačko opazil med sprehodom po polževski planoti. Ta je v zadnjih letih postala pravo gradbišče, vikendi in hiše se kar množijo (še ko sem bil majhen, se pravi cca 15 let nazaj je bilo precej drugače), ob tem prebivalci pogosto namesto v razgledu uživjo v pogledu na sosednjo hišo. Eh, kakorkoli, sprehod je bil pa fajn, na senzor je fotografijo zabeležila petinosemdesetka (jasno, kaj pa drugega) ob tem pa še zanimivost: Tara, pes, originalno namenjen lovu na leve, mačke sploh opazila ni (da ne bo kdo narobe razumel, mi je nimamo za leve lovit).
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The building site.
The title might seem a bit deceptive at the first sight, doesn't it? It says the building site, but then it's all about the completely ordinary photo of a regular cat... However, this post is neither about the fact that cats are a uniquely wonderful photographic subject, nor about the fact that everyone loves cats, consequentially they also love photos featuring them and last, but not the least, they also like the photographer who took the photos (ok, enough sarcasm , the point was made even for the ones a bit denser on the pick-up)... What's important for the post is the fact that the photo was taken while talking a walk around the polževska planota (Polževo plateau), which literally became a true building site in the past couple of years - it was completely different while I was still a small child. The place got quite crowded and it's not unusual that the inhabitants are sometimes "enjoying" the view of their neighbour's house rather than the realy spectacular view that the plateau offers... Anyway, the walk was fine, the new Nikkor's 85mm (the subject of my last posts; I apologise for not introducing it in English as well) was the lens used. And a little anecdote to end the post: while Rhodesian Ridgebacks were originally meant to be used in order to hunt lions back in Africa, our Tara didn't even notice the cat photographed above.