Saturday, August 11, 2012

IPhO 2012 - Harry Kroto, closing ceremony and a group portrait

Let's start at the end - with the gold medalists, quite simply because a group photo of them celebrating their success seems suitable to open today's post. What follows are photos from the inspiring lecture of '96 Nobel Prize Winner Harry Kroto, some additional scenes from the closing ceremony and a group portrait of our team for the very end.

In case the above photograph isn't self-evident enough, a caption might help: Harry Kroto won the Nobel prize for his research on fullerenes
"Thinking is dangerous." Additional caption needed?
And here comes the closing ceremony:
Remember the scene from Tallinn Airport? Well, the weather in Tallinn remained faithful to its tradition and didn't fail to provide clouds and rain on the day of the closing ceremony. A walk towards the ceremony hall must have been a real joy for our suits and shoes...
...Speeches - Jaak Aaviksoo, Estonian minister of Education & Research
Prof. Maija Ahtee being presented an award for outstanding achievements in physics education
Competitors going onstage to collect their awards

And last, but not least, a group portrait of our team (minus me) with our guide, Teisi, somewhere in the highest floors of Viru Hotel in Tallinn.

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